A better way to manage RFPs.

Responding to RFPs is a repetitive, manual process. Searching spreadsheets and emails for proposal content is unproductive. In the fiercely competitive legal landscape, law firms must spend their time wisely.

Our webinar: RFP technology for faster legal proposals explores RFP technology and how to leverage it to improve efficiency, consistency and collaboration. Presented by Matt Prinn, legal RFP consultant, and Pat Criss, RFP360 sales director, you’ll get an inside look at RFP management technology.

The webinar explores:

  • How to use RFP software as a standard language repository
  • Productivity features like proposal import, workflow tracking, collaboration and automation
  • How RFP software can also be used for security questionnaires and more

To listen to the webinar recording click the below link.

Webinar RFP technology for faster legal proposals

Insight, Experience, Results

Trust RFP Advisory Group to manage your RFP and ensure that you get optimal value for your dollar. Contact us today.