
RFP Legal Services

Legal Procurement Fundamentals Certification (Buying Legal Council)

October 19th, 2020 | Instagram
Matthew Prinn News Story

RFP Advisory Group Principal, Matthew Prinn, completed the industry’s first certification program for buyers of legal services. The program run by Buying Legal Council and is a self-paced program that will provide you with the skills you need to be successful in your career in Legal Procurement. For more information on the program view the below link about […]

A “simple” RFP – RFP360 article (Trends in RFPs)

October 16th, 2020 | Instagram
RFP Advisory Group

Below is a link to an article/post from Law360 that talks about “the RFP Lite.” We are seeing this a lot in the legal industry where the RFPs are much smaller and are focusing on just a few key areas. Tips and examples are referenced in the post.  A simple RFP template: Benefits of the […]